Mindbreaker chatbot
Mindbreaker is one of the most popular chatbots in Hungary. Its playful and straightforward gameplay moved the gears of hundreds of thousands of people.
Project goal
In order to research user experience and behavior, we design research chatbots without direct business aims regularly. One example is Mindbreaker, a game that allowed us to adventure into the world of entertaining chatbots. Our aim was to create an easy-to-use game that gives an experience even if played just in a few minutes of idle time – and is exciting enough to make people return.
Project details
Mindbreaker consists of riddles spiced up with gamification features: the chatbot asks one question after the other and keeps count of the player's results. If the user gets stuck, the chatbot gives a hint or two. Correct answers are rewarded with stars: the more challenging the riddle, the more stars are earned. In addition, achievers receive written compliments and funny GIFs, giving even more motivation for them to try the game several times.
Chatbot functions
You can read more about RoboRobo's services here.
Internet Hungary 2019
“Social games”
Integrated systems
Project goal
In order to research user experience and behavior, we design research chatbots without direct business aims regularly. One example is Mindbreaker, a game that allowed us to adventure into the world of entertaining chatbots. Our aim was to create an easy-to-use game that gives an experience even if played just in a few minutes of idle time – and is exciting enough to make people return.
Chatbot functions
You can read more about RoboRobo's services here.
Project details
Mindbreaker consists of riddles spiced up with gamification features: the chatbot asks one question after the other and keeps count of the player's results. If the user gets stuck, the chatbot gives a hint or two. Correct answers are rewarded with stars: the more challenging the riddle, the more stars are earned. In addition, achievers receive written compliments and funny GIFs, giving even more motivation for them to try the game several times.
Internet Hungary 2019
“Social games”
Integrated systems
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